Monday, August 26, 2013

let it die


"Let It Die"
Let it die and get out of my mind
We don't see eye to eye
Or hear ear to ear

Don't you wish that we could forget that kiss
And see this for what it is
That we're not in love

The saddest part of a broken heart
Isn't the ending so much as the start

It was hard to tell just how I felt
To not recognize myself
I started to fade away

And after all it won't take long to fall in love
Now I know what I don't want
I learned that with you

The saddest part of a broken heart
Isn't the ending so much as the start
The tragedy starts from the very first spark
Losing your mind for the sake of your heart
The saddest part of a broken heart
Isn't the ending so much as the start

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Long live Indonesia! -Dirgahayu RI

asekk judulnya udah nasionalisme bgt..
hahaha, apapun, saya tetep cinta Indonesia, cuma di Indonesia surganya makanan Enak di dunia,
cuma Indonesia yang punya Bali, hahah whatever,,
semoga Indonesia makin berseri, makin makmur, makin mati para koruptornya, makin sejahtera rakyatnya aamiiin...
minggu ini saya gak pulang ke rumah karena cucian sealaihim gambreng, sejak ditinggal si Mba Merit, sidejob saya adalah pembokat sibook,,nyuci baju seminggu, ealah secara balik kerja gak mungkin nyuci, ngepel nyapu,, kamar kosan lantai kosan udah berasa berlendir2 deh pas tadi di pel >,,<
berharap bisa liat pawai yg lewat sepeda hias kek, atau kostum apa kek..tapiii, boro2, lomba balap karung aja gak ada, gak enak ya tinggal di komplek suku bangsa yg dulu pernah di intimidasi, kyknya boro2 mau ikut lomba, bendera aja kalah sama dupa --" no offense just speak what i saw..
perasaan dlu pas masih SD paas kompleknya masih di Bantarjati semua lomba ada
such as:
pole climbing/panjat pinang

panjat pinang is a nut-tree poles are fairly high and very slippery, a single climber would have almost no chance of reaching the top, so contestants usually work together and split the rewards, if they succeed. Prizes consist of foods, like cheese, sugar, flour, and clothes

Balap Karung

balap karung is one of the popular traditional race on the day Indonesia's independence. A number of participants are required to enter their body into a gunny and then race to the finish line.

Lomba Makan Kerupuk

Competition eating crackers is one of the popular traditional race on the Indonesia's independence day.Race committee set up crackers number of participants who hung with ropes side by side to a long rope.The participants competed for eating crackers each, and the winner is the fastest participant that crackers devour.This is the challenge of the race, participants are not allowed to use hands - in eating crackers, participants are only allowed to use their mouth.

lomba apa dlu yang pernah kamu ikutin?
i've try makan kerupuk and because i'm the smallest participant so I lose the game, lol but however it such awesome moment :)

Happy birthday my county
Happy Birthday Indonesia

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Little Scar

Dear you, Little Scar Star

wind blew the dust,
recall all memories back
in the black night my hand searches a line between dreams and reality
one little star shines on my face
and suddenly i started miss you, like i always did before
like a star, even your light not as shinny as sun, but still you make the dark turned into beautiful
hiding behind the concentrated black wall
secretly smile and love mee
i know that the feeling won't changed
no matter the situation or it's never been there?
i wish you're there when I wake up from bad dreams,
like before, holding me and said it just a dreams

and now i realized little star not only me who feel your warm in the middle of the night 
but also someone else
who adore you and need you as much as I do
who willing her life to make her completed like another soul\
tell me little star, should i closed my curtains and reject your shinny
but then again my night was so dark and I used to see your light to warm my night
when all is done
when my love has all washed away
only the longing scars remain 
only words "goodbye" remain
so I wont Forget you

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak My Muslims Brother and Sister :)
Semoga di pertemukan lagi dengan Ramadhan Tahun depan, Amiiinn,
Pada Mudik gak?
Ih kecian deh yang gak punya kampung :p
aku mudik doong, gak nannya ya? biarin pemberitahuan week,
Kemaren nyoain berangkat Malem, abis teraweh, setelah tahun-tahun yang lalu selalu berangkat siang dan diakhiri dengan buka puasa siang hari karena gak nahan haus + panasnya..akhirnya kita nyoba berangkat malem, entah kenapa Bokap selalu suka mudik pake Mobil, pernah wktu itu aku ama dd aku lagi ga enak badan, ngusulin naik Pesawat aja, ehh dia beliin tiket buat kita berdua, bokap ma nyokap ttp naik Mobil, ya maksudnya kesian sih mereka udah tua ttp harus bersaing di jalanan yang metal dan kejam itu --".
tapi setiap ditanya knp harus naik mobil, jawabannya samaa...
hikmah mudiknya lebih berasa klo naik mobil --" apa coba yah maksudnya..

sekali waktu pernah gak mudik, emang sih ada perasaan, ih kangen yaa mudik...tapi ya entah mungkin di kampung halaman bokap juga cuma heboh hari p1 dan ke2nya sisanya ngemoll buat cari AC, wkekeke..

oh iya review aja sih klo mau mudik...
(butuh syukur, enggak juga buat refensi aja)

Jalur Utara (pantura)
beuuh kalo denger jalan ini pasti horor kebyang byk bis2 luar kota lewat sini, tapi ya itu jadi byk tmnnya, ngeri juga kan klo mobil cuma sendiri, gak ada yang senasip sepenanggungan karena byak yg lewat sini makanya jajanan2 juga berserakan dijalan nilai + buat yg suka makan, seperti saya ehem...dan buat para emak2 yg doyan shopping kebutuhan dapur :D..karena byaknya pengunjung makanya toilet, jalanan, mesjid dijamin kotor+bau, ya ada sebagian emg rapiih bgt tp tetep bau pesingnya ga nahan --"

Jalur Selatan 
buat yang suka pemandanga indah nan menawan, silahkan lewat sini makanan juga ada sih, cuma ga sebyak di pantura, dan dijamin toilet dan mesjid bersiiih bgt, pantura karena deket laur airnya kurang sejuk, tp disni sejuk bgt..

yah after all Eid Mubarak, have a happy and peace Eid Minal Aidzin WalFaidzin
May the Choicest of Allah SWT fill your life with peace joy and prosperity..