hahaha, apapun, saya tetep cinta Indonesia, cuma di Indonesia surganya makanan Enak di dunia,
cuma Indonesia yang punya Bali, hahah whatever,,
semoga Indonesia makin berseri, makin makmur, makin mati para koruptornya, makin sejahtera rakyatnya aamiiin...
minggu ini saya gak pulang ke rumah karena cucian sealaihim gambreng, sejak ditinggal si Mba Merit, sidejob saya adalah pembokat sibook,,nyuci baju seminggu, ealah secara balik kerja gak mungkin nyuci, ngepel nyapu,, kamar kosan lantai kosan udah berasa berlendir2 deh pas tadi di pel >,,<
berharap bisa liat pawai yg lewat sepeda hias kek, atau kostum apa kek..tapiii, boro2, lomba balap karung aja gak ada, gak enak ya tinggal di komplek suku bangsa yg dulu pernah di intimidasi, kyknya boro2 mau ikut lomba, bendera aja kalah sama dupa --" no offense just speak what i saw..
perasaan dlu pas masih SD paas kompleknya masih di Bantarjati semua lomba ada
such as:
pole climbing/panjat pinang
panjat pinang is a nut-tree poles are fairly high and very slippery, a single climber would have almost no chance of reaching the top, so contestants usually work together and split the rewards, if they succeed. Prizes consist of foods, like cheese, sugar, flour, and clothes
Balap Karung
balap karung is one of the popular traditional race on the day Indonesia's independence. A number of participants are required to enter their body into a gunny and then race to the finish line.
Lomba Makan Kerupuk
Competition eating crackers is one of the popular traditional race on the Indonesia's independence day.Race committee set up crackers number of participants who hung with ropes side by side to a long rope.The participants competed for eating crackers each, and the winner is the fastest participant that crackers devour.This is the challenge of the race, participants are not allowed to use hands - in eating crackers, participants are only allowed to use their mouth.
lomba apa dlu yang pernah kamu ikutin?
i've try makan kerupuk and because i'm the smallest participant so I lose the game, lol but however it such awesome moment :)
Happy birthday my county
Happy Birthday Indonesia
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